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We Will Find Your Ideal Home
choosing ABC Properties
The ABC Properties provides comprehensive and effective services in the construction, management and utilization of real estate in the residential and commercial space.
High Knowledge & Experience
Having successfully completed a large number of projects, we are the right partner for your Project
High Quality Services
Design, Design and Construction of any type of Project with the Best Quality
Cooperation & Service
Responsible cooperation and communication with full support from the beginning of the project and forever
Technical, Financial and Time great flexibility according to your needs
About Us
We Bringing Only Professionalism.
FLOURIS Properties – Investment I.K.E. is a growing company for the Management, Development and Exploitation of real estate owners. The company has been making equity investments in real estate for the last 20 years. It has a large portfolio of privately owned residential and commercial properties, which it manages for lease, sale or business development and the possibility of co-investment in business projects (Projects) developed in the company’s properties.
FLOURIS Properties – Investment aims to create added value through selected investment conversions and to invest in properties that have the potential for increased value. What sets us apart is that most of the properties we offer are owned by our own company, ensuring that no third party commissions are involved. Whether you want to buy or lease, we have properties available in many locations.
The company’s objectives
Α. Leverage the existing portfolio, generating surplus value through selected investments of converted properties.
Β. To invest in properties which provides for the creation of surplus value.

Stations in its course so far are the construction of commercial – professional buildings and quality homes throughout Crete, as well as its participation in development-investment programs of construction projects. Also, the ABC Properties has created a network of real estate transfer consultants in Crete.
Its successful business development of ABC Properties and the rapid expansion of its customer base in its years of operation are the best guarantees for the future course of the company.
Experience has its rewards.

Professional Design
Own the Home Meant for You
We operate with core business values of flexibility, reliability, and professionalism. The company is committed to continuing to serve the modern needs of its customers, closely monitoring developments in the field of construction and real estate services.

Έμεινα ευχαριστημένη με την ανακαίνιση του διαμερίσματος μου. Κατανόησαν τις ανάγκες μου και μου έκαναν μια λειτουργική πρόταση σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες μου! έβαλαν φαντασία και μεράκι! Ευχαριστώ πολύ!

Επαγγελματίες και με πραγματικό ενδιαφέρον για να βοηθήσουν το πελάτη τους και να βρει αυτό που ψάχνει ανά πάσα στιγμή! Τους συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα!
Get in touch
Konstantinos Mitsotakis 41, 71303 Xiropotamos, Heraklion, Crete
+30 2810 315 001

The ABC Properties provides comprehensive and effective services in the construction, development, and management of real estate in residential and commercial spaces.